Eight Reasons Facebook Suuuuucks And Why Pinterest Is WAAAYYYYY Better — trust me, your bank account will thank you for reading this!

Sherisse Marie Sutherland
6 min readJan 11, 2021
  1. You need a computer engineering degree to properly set up an ad anymore. Their back end seems to have been purpose-built to keep the average entrepreneur away from the platform. I swear they WANT you to use an expensive, boutique ads manager $$$$ ! In contrast, Pinterest is user friendly — and Tailwind is an awesome way to leverage the platform without having a computer science degree 😀 They have deliberately made their platform as easy to use as 1–2–3, which means it takes almost no time to learn and set up and is quick and simple to maintain. Pinterest wants you to be on their platform providing expert solutions to your audience so their users will use Pinterest for ALL their needs.
  2. Even if you do figure out the platform, actually GETTING the ad approved is a whole other level of CA-RAZY, amIright? Their rules are so murky and unclear, not to mention ever-changing, that even the experts are never a hundred percent sure an ad will get approved! Pinterest doesn’t have those issues — their rules are pretty clear on both their paid ads and non-paid pins. If you do have an ad or pin get rejected or if you get shut down or banned they are very reasonable about helping you get everything running again. When was the last time you actually had a Facebook rep get back to you about ANYTHING?
  3. Facebook ads have only gotten MORE expensive over the years, and their prices continue to climb. Their targeting is not actually very well optimized, despite what the “experts” want you to believe, and it can cost upwards of $30 or MORE just to have someone sign up for your freebie — and then you still have to convert them into a paying client. OUCH! Using Pinterest is almost free, with pins being free to upload, and paid ads being really reasonably priced (think $0.10 a click!) Your only real cost would be a $17/month Tailwind account that will get you reaching 10x more people, organically, with almost no time or effort!
  4. Facebook is kinda problematic nowadays. Between the privacy issues, the stalkers, and the fake news abounding on the platform, as well as their dubious history with social equality and racial justice, it’s hard to get behind sending them buckets of money every month, only to MAYBE have your ads seen. Pinterest is much more proactive when it comes to fake news, privacy, and social justice. And, it’s pretty much free (see my point above).
  5. It’s easy for your ads (and posts) to get lost in the feed on Facebook — something that was posted 5 minutes ago is so last year’s news, and scroll fatigue is a very real thing. On the other hand, sometimes a pin can take 6 months or more to really find it’s audience and get traction, but can really take off from there. It’s so much easier to have content truly live forever and be getting clicks years later from a pin you spent 5 minutes creating and posting, all by simply reposting that pin in almost no time.
  6. People aren’t using Facebook to BUY things, they are using it to connect with their friends and family. Remember how you used Facebook back before you became an online entrepreneur? That’s how they still view it! In comparison, Pinterest users tend to be using it specifically to research purchases (and answers!) Pinterest is, in fact, a search engine — the third largest in the world after Google and Youtube. It’s built especially to help connect buyers with products and services they want to use — and Pinterest’s reach is only growing as the world moves online. The best part? Pinterest’s audience is highly profitable. It’s mostly made up of well-educated, high income, motivated women. What’s not to love?
  7. Facebook is soooo oversaturated with coaches anymore, all fighting for the same small scraps of client attention and investment. Did I mention yet that Pinterest is currently wildly underserved when it comes to your niche? Yup, there are less than 600,000 business accounts on Pinterest — so I can practically guarantee almost none of your competition is using it. The ones that are? Usually aren’t actually sure what they’re doing and missing the mark when it comes to attracting their ideal clients. They’re throwing spaghetti at the wall and seeing what sticks — and not much is sticking. And yet, your dream clients are still sitting over there, desperately searching for answers…answers YOU can provide!
  8. Facebook is a MASSIVE time suck — how often have you fallen down the rabbit hole and spent hours of your day scrolling mindlessly, watching cat videos and hollering about your fave social issue in the comments of a post? Not to mention the endless rounds of Facebook groups that you’re checking into every day to try and find clients organically. What if, instead, you spent less than 1 hour a month in Tailwind scheduling your pins, and didn’t even get sucked into any mindless scrolling? How much time would that free up for you to do other things?

If you’re like my typical client, you’re likely spending about $500/month on Facebook ads (conservatively). You’re also likely spending 4–6 hours a day trolling social media. At just $100/hour (a respectable billable rate), you COULD be earning $400–600 a DAY in extra income instead. Let’s average it out to $500/day. That’s a total of about $130,000 — if you take 2 weeks off a year for vacations.

$130,000! WOW, that’s a BIG NUMBER!

Add in those Facebook experts and biz development courses you’re investing in, trying to crack this scaling nut, and you’re looking at an easy $150,000-$200,000 a year.

Now, what if I told you that you could keep half of your FB ad spend, about $3,000 a year, and spend less than half as much time trolling FB, and still have as many or more clients as you did last year?

Sounds good right?

I already know a bit about you (I’m a bit psychic, you know 😘 )….

You’ve been in business for at least a year, and have money coming in each month, but it’s not feeling as easy as you want, and you feel trapped. You’re watching your competition seem to scale effortlessly, while you remain stuck at what feels like a beginner’s level. You do have a sales process that works great — once you get someone interested (sigh!). You get fantastic, amazing results for your clients, and they adore you.

You have everything EXCEPT your lead-gen running like a well-oiled machine. If you could just spend less time (and money) on this piece, you’d be able to focus on all the OTHER important bits — you know, like client satisfaction, business systems, scaling, and making REAL money!

In comparison, my group program is just $997. Take it yourself, and (pro tip) bring along your VA (at 50% of the normal rate) so she can run it for you once you’re ready — I just saved you an EXTRA hour a month (you’re welcome)!

You’ll still be ahead of the game, in well under a month.

Now you’re probably wondering where you will come up with $997, easy answer take the money you’ve been wasting on FB ads and invest it in a program with guaranteed results. A program that offers small class sizes, interactive training, ongoing support and a customised program specifically for soulpreneurs, healers and coaches — but not limited to just those niches.

Originally published at https://sherissemarie.com on January 11, 2021.



Sherisse Marie Sutherland

Supercharge your marketing strategy using Pinterest, so you can create more income and impact. FREE success guide @ sherissemarie.com/successguide