Creating More Flow and Organic Leads With Pinterest

Sherisse Marie Sutherland
5 min readAug 26, 2020

It’s 4 days before the rent is due. Almost no groceries left. Panic stations. Can you relate?

So, you pull out all the stops — a social media blitz to end all blitzes. It would have won WWII for the bad guys if they’d put in this much effort.

As the day wears on, attraction marketing slowly turns into an all-out frenzy of “let’s get on a call” and shaming those who say no.

It feels gross for you and worse for your targets. You ended up with FEWER prospects than you started with. At the end of the day, you “won” a few calls with less-than-ideal clients, but the sales calls will be a struggle for tomorrow….you collapse in a heap on your bed and then realize it’s 10 PM and you haven’t eaten since yesterday….and you don’t have the energy to care.

Where are the kids? Meh, they must be fine, no one is screaming or crying….as you pass out from exhaustion you wonder what you are doing so wrong to have to struggle this hard for leads.

I hate to break it to you….but it’s not you. It’s the system. The content-creation-outreach-burnout treadmill. It’s designed to keep the smaller creators small — only those who can afford to pay-for-play (with ads, experts, and testing time) will succeed.

There IS a better way.

Leveraging the power of Pinterest’s search engine capabilities could be your ticket to a better balance in your life.

Firstly, I have great news! That old blog post (or video, or book, or minicourse) you created 2 years ago? It’s still relevant. It still matters. Just because The Blue Behemoth (my pet name for the FB/IG juggernaut) and YT prefer (insist on?) new, fresh, unshared content, doesn’t mean you can’t re-use things….and keep re-using them, over and over again. And let them bring in a regular stream of leads….

Using Pinterest to market your business allows you to create more flow in your work day, and more organic leads. It’s a great way to free you up for more time to focus on working ON your business instead of working IN your business.

So, how does it work?

I’m about to bust out my best #numbersnerd info, so beware!

Remember those pieces of content you wrote way back in the day, that are still SO FREAKING GOOD and deserve all the views/clicks? If they aren’t already a funnel, it’s time to make it so.

You do know what a funnel is, right? A landing page with an invitation to sign up/buy, and then (sometimes) an upsell page (or more) — and an email sequence to really get the sales flowing. Russell Brunson is the master of the funnel — if you still don’t know what a funnel is, you should read and watch all his stuff until you can breathe funnels like he does.

Now, note that a funnel can be a simple CTA to do something more (sign up for your freebie, with a sales sequence afterwards) added to the bottom of your best blog posts, or added to the description of those Youtube videos that currently get 3 views a month — this does NOT have to be some complicated thing. However, there does need to be a progression from point A (not signed up for anything with you) to point B (full-pay client).

So, once you have a super-simple funnel created, it’s time to market it.

Here’s my big secret (#numbersnerd alert!)

I teach my clients how to easily create 20 pins (visual ads) to market this fantastic funnel, and to use Tailwind (Pinterest scheduler/partner — sooo simple to use once you know how) to send those 20 pins to the 10 (or more) related Pinterest boards over a period of weeks. This creates 200+ opportunities for your content (and funnel!) to be found and loved — opportunities that don’t end in a day or two when the feed refreshes. Repins and saves to other platforms push your content out even further and increase that number exponentially. The numbers can get really big, really fast.

I say this all the time, because it’s so freaking true: This is the real genius of Pinterest — pins live forever and can take a while to rank well. Something you pinned a year ago can still be finding it’s footing, and may take off tomorrow. You never know!

The best part? You get your stress free life back.

You get TIME FREEDOM. The ability to unchain yourself from your phone. To concentrate on what actually matters. Serving your clients at the highest level possible, while living a life you actually want to spend time in. Taking care of yourself and your family. Enjoying your work-life balance. Being your best self.

You’ll get MONEY FREEDOM. The ability to know leads are coming in every day, like clockwork. The ability to sleep like a baby at night, knowing you’ve got a system in place that attracts your ideal clients every day. You can then target your outreach more specifically — to those who are already in your funnels and just need a nudge to get into your programs.

When you are able to focus on serving your clients instead of chasing leads on social media, your days will flow better. Your spouse and children will remember who you are. You’ll have more joy and enjoyment. And, you’ll increase your leads by 10x, while spending 10x less time every day (or more) actually doing any marketing activities.

What I shared above is one of the main things I address with my clients in my 6 week small group program that takes woo-style entrepreneurs from exhausting themselves on the social media hamster wheel to spending about an hour a month generating new leads. I also share what keywords and hashtags are best for your niche (and how to research this), how to optimize your profile and boards, creating pin templates to save you time, and what numbers you need to really pay attention to!

You can learn more (and sign up) here: or, PM me if you want to learn more about this program and we’ll chat to see if you’re a good fit; if so, we can get you signed up right away. We start in September!

Pinterest By The Numbers

Pinterest has 70 million users

There are over 1/2 million verified business accounts on Pinterest

Pinterest has over 2.5 billion average monthly pageviews

Pinterest users spend an average of 98 minutes per month on Pinterest

The average amount per order that derives from Pinterest traffic is between $140 and $180

Pinterest drives more traffic to publishers than Twitter, LinkedIn, and Reddit combined

Grab My Quick Start Success Guide HERE

Sign up for a Pinterest business account here Sign up for a Tailwind account here

This post contains affiliate links, meaning that if you choose to click through and make a purchase, I will receive a small commission at no cost to you.

Originally published at on August 26, 2020.



Sherisse Marie Sutherland

Supercharge your marketing strategy using Pinterest, so you can create more income and impact. FREE success guide @